Water Systems
Water Quality Reports Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs) What's in your drinking water and what do we test for? Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Reports Water conservation, use, and leak loss data for your water system. Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) Reports Thurston PUD and customer-owned lead service line assessment results.
Conservation Programs
Irrigation Help Line -
The Planning and
Compliance Specialist, Blake Nylund, will take calls to help
customers better understand their current system and ways
they can conserve. If you have any questions about your
irrigation, please call Blake at 360-357-8783 ext. 126.
Advanced Meter Program (formerly the Smart Meter
Cross-Connection Control Program The PUD's Cross-Connection Control Plan was developed in compliance with Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 246-290-490, to prevent contamination of customers' drinking water. The PUD's Planning and Compliance Team works with our customers to complete the Cross-Connection Control Questionnaire (CCCQ) every five years or when there are changes in a customer's plumbing to determin if equipment is needed to protect our water supply.
Cross-Connection Policy, TPUD Resolution 23-31
Cross-Connection Control Questionnaire and Frequently Asked
Thurston PUD Water Systems Map Water Systems Map (Updated November 2024)
Lead in Drinking Water
Water Conservation Irrigation Systems - Best Management Practices Homeadvisor.com - Home Water Conservation
Chlorine Tester Recruitment Let Us Pay the Base Rate on Your Water Bill